Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ghostbusters Video Game Feelin' Funky in First Week

So the Ghostbusters video game seems to be having some trouble in it's first week of bustin'. The game is getting pretty solid reviews and people I've talked to (who are immense fans of the films) are loving the experience. But other demons seem to be a-lurkin'.

There are reports that the PS3's visuals aren't quite up to par with the Xbox 360's despite the PlayStation 3 being a more powerful machine. Also, the PC version seems to have shipped without any multiplayer support. In regards to this issue, Activision said that they had to focus on the console versions of the game first and foremost in order to set the bar high for the game and "some things had to be sacrificed." There was no word given as to whether a multiplayer component would be added later via update.

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